My Garden Isn’t Straightforward – Will it Work?
Quite a popular question to us is, “Mark, our garden isn’t straightforward. It’s got a small tree in it. It’s got a retaining wall. It’s got a water feature that’s immovable.”
You won’t imagine where we’ve installed marquees before. We’ve had hedges, we’ve had trees, swimming pools, ponds, statues, inside marquees before. We’ve installed marquees over two gardens with fence panels inside. We’ve even set a marquee up four stories high in a bank in London before for a corporate client.
Modern marquees are quite flexible and can adapt to various terrains and heights if need be. Some gardens are at different levels and the marquee will need to try and accommodate this. Generally, if the height is less than 18 inches, the marquee can span over the height difference thanks to having extendable legs. If you have quite a large height difference, it might be best to install a marquee on both levels and join them together. It will still fill up one large space, and feel like one large marquee, despite having two marquees covering garden space.
Most experienced marquee hire companies will tell you, “Yes, it can all happen.” But my biggest bit of advice when doing your research here, when you’ve got a not-so-straightforward garden, is just to check case studies and previous images and maybe some reviews from past customers to see if the company you’re planning on using is used to challenging gardens, to see if they’ve overcome some before.

In this example we have to consider the raised steps leading back into the house inside this 9m x 9m transparent marquee

Trees in your garden? Depending on the size of any trees or shrubs marquees can span over them
If you’re using an experienced marquee hire company, they’ve probably got lots of custom-made kit to work around any issues that your garden may have. Nine times out of ten, any obstacle that you have in your garden can be overcome depending on the size of them.
Tricky Garden for Winter Based Events
It’s quite important that if your event is in winter and the marquee is going over a retaining wall or something where the ground changes in height it’s all about making sure there’s no gaps and no draughts that can come into the marquee at anywhere at any point.
Marquees can span over different height terrains if constructed by an experience marquee hire company
If you are concerned, upload some images of your garden to our WhatsApp here and our team can work out what marquee will work in your garden.
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